I'm a software engineer from Pittsburgh, currently working at PlexTrac. I care about making simple workflows that match the cognitive flow of real humans.
Previously, you could find me writing code at PHT (now Clario), HM Health Solutions, teaching at Washington & Jefferson College, tinkering with robotic interfaces at Discovery Robotics, or working on the e-commerce platform at Harvie. .
Hire me for:
- Full Stack JavaScript
- React, React Router, & Redux
- TypeScript
- Remix Run
I'm learning:
- Data Science & Machine Learning
- Python, Anaconda, & Jupyter Notebooks
- Pandas, Numpy, & Matplotlib
- Postgres
I'm familiar with:
- PHP/Symfony
- Java
My hobbies are:
- Landscape photography
- Scuba diving
- My pandemic book club
- Drawing on Procreate