Bike Share Data Analysis using Python, Anaconda, and Pandas
A python script that lets a user interact with a dataset about bikeshare data.
My personal website journey.
A platform that connects consumers with local producers.
Carmilla the Van
In 2021, I spent three months redoing a 2016 Ford Transit with all of the trappings for nomad life.
Marketing website for Expedient, Pittsburgh - design & development.
Find a Doctor
Allows you to search for doctors, hospitals, and facilities by location, specialty, and plan.
Bug Boy IPA
Bug themed beer labels for a friend with an affinity for all things insect.
Online portal used to collect patient outcomes during clinical trials.
A series of promotional meal posters for Washington & Jefferson College.
Graphic Art
Compilation of graphical artworks completed over the last five years.
Lemoyne Community Center
This site was retired in 2015, but I keep it as a reminder of my first deployed site.